Please note: This trial has finished recruiting and is not accepting new participants.
Research Center: National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Location: This is a national research study, with participants able to join from all around Australia
Lead Doctor: Prof Robyn Lucas
Ethics Committee: Reviewed and approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee. The ethical aspects of this study have been approved by the ANU HREC, protocol number 2013/155.
Australians face the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. Skin cancer is also the most expensive cancer to treat and was responsible for 2087 deaths in 2011.
As an Australian, you have a 23% chance of being deficient in vitamin D – and this is much higher in the winter and the further south you live. Australians get most of their vitamin D from sun exposure of the skin. Vitamin D is important for healthy muscles and bones, preventing diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia. How then do you balance getting enough sun to have high levels of vitamin D, but not so much that you are at a high risk of getting skin cancer?
The National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health is conducting a research study for those who have mildly low vitamin D, which is very common in the Australian population.
Participants will be helping millions in the future by increasing our understanding of how to balance the risks of too much and too little sun exposure – skin cancer vs. vitamin D deficiency. Participants will also learn their skin type and how that affects their own ability to avoid skin cancer and make vitamin D.
Benefits of Participation
- Potential to increase vitamin D levels through professional advice.
- Understanding your skin type and how to minimize your risk of skin cancer.
- You will be helping to advance medical research.
Your Rights
- Your records relating to this study and any other information received will be kept strictly confidential.
- Upon completion, the results of the study will be shared with you.
- Qualified medical professionals will supervise your participation.
- You will be able to withdraw from the study at any time.
Who Can Participate?
- Men and Women aged 18-64
- Have mildly low vitamin D levels, which are very common
- Not currently taking any vitamin D supplements